Friday, June 12, 2009


I hurt my right arm. Some ligament stretched and now my bicep tendon pops out of it's little groove when I use it. I try to be good, I try to wear my sling thing, I try to use my mouse with the left hand... but I asked if I could go back to Jazzercise - if I didn't use that arm?

The dr. said yes, so I gave it a try. I went to the 5:30am class so I wouldn't have to take any kids with me.

There is a certain amount of momentum that a left arm creates that throws you off balance when the right arm does not reciprocate.

Think I'll wait a few more weeks until I try that again.

In the meantime, I'm going to add some of the jazzercise songs to my playlist so I can listen to them - while I'm eating cookies with my left arm :)

1 comment:

marcus_amy said...

Don't forget about the poptarts:) And have a cookie or 3 for me. Another week on no coooookies.