Remember lazy summer days with your cousins. No decisions to make... just figure out who you wanted to play with next.
That's what we've been doing this week...
- the creek - cold water, sunshine, mud, rocks and branches dams, fresh oranges, wet dogs.
- backyard - trampoline and sprinkler, slides and water hoses, mud puddles and more wet dogs.
- tv, wii, ds, ipods, facebook, email, media, media and more media
- naptime? The big kids want one and the little ones don't.
- legos, legos, legos, puppet show, legos and more legos (there are a lot of boys around here)
- just hanging out, talking about everything and nothing.
This is what "summer" is... being together.
It kinda reminds me of being at Mama and Dada's house in the country when we were little, except we did have wii, ipods, computers, etc... Oh wait, they weren't invented yet!! LOL!!
That sounds like fun! Today I was missing you guys because it was a perfect day to hang out in the air conditioning with dessert. I went swimming instead and had fun talking with Rachel.
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