Thursday, September 18, 2008

I'm voting for Tina Fey - I mean Palin

Do you want to know my main reason - she's given birth. Natural, epidural, c-section - I don't care - I just know she's given birth to what looks like 5 kids.

I'm not sure what all the hoopla is about her not having any experience. She is just running for vice-president, right?

And haven't most kings and queens, dictators and presidents had advisers to point them in the right direction? So I'd be as equally concerned about who McCain or Obama appoint to be their advisers. But I'm not.

Because in reality, I'm voting for her because she's pro-life. And not just pro-life because that's the parties platform, but because she's given birth. She knows what it's like to be pregnant - so when she says that precious life inside you is worth keeping - no matter how it started - I agree.

And although my golden Saturday Night Live days have passed - Don't miss the latest SNL of Palin and Clinton. Tina Fey does an awesome job (just don't let the kids watch).


Davin said...

Very funny spot. I found the Michael Phelps diet in the sidebar. Also too funny.

Heidi said...

I watched that too. And I think that Hilary came out worse, don't you? I've tried to imagine how Hilary must be feeling, and this skit pretty much sums up what I've imagined. It must stink to have this "upstart" possibly make it to the white house with what appears to be the greatest of ease, after a lifetime of trying to get there.