Thursday, June 10, 2010

Getting out of the house

Between end of school parties, last minute doctor appointments, oil changes and goodbyes...

we packed the truck with all our most precious possessions and sent it on it's way last Tuesday. That meant we were without washing machine, high chair, beds and tv for about a week (which felt more like a month!).

"if not for the courage of the fearless crew, the Jennifer would be lost."

Thank you to all my helpers who cleaned my laundry room, packed my kitchen, scrubbed my floors, lent us air mattresses, took stuff away, watched my kids, washed my laundry, brought us food (on their birthday), prayed for us , prophesied over us, or sang us out of Denton.

So with one last group hug, we headed out on a new adventure...

and we are so thankful for all of you who rode out this last one with us.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Hey, it's fun to see those pictures. And you've got your computer up and running, so that's good. Hope all is going well!