Sunday, March 8, 2009

Katy's day

Over speedbumps untold, in a very large van,
I took 12 girls to an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet,

a trip to the local pet shop to pick out a fish (and hold baby ferrets),

more ice cream than any adult could eat,

picking up trash - unprompted
and more trashand more trash(you've taught them well, Mrs. Pam)

followed by 30+ minutes of tag

and rock climbing

you have the makings of a great eleventh birthday!

Sadly, Neptune the blue Betta, was dead by bedtime.
At least he has a 15 day warranty...we'll try again.

Darla + fish = death.


Amy said...

Oh what a wonderful girl you are katy. I cried I laughed. I Lauged a lot!!! Sorry about the fish. Maybe it was all the ice cream. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Priscila said...

Happy Birthday Katy Bear! I remember when you were born and Grandma and Gabe and I got in a car accident on the way to the hospital. Someone didn't want us to come meet you, but we still made it and you've grown to be a beautiful wonderful girl. Whom I miss So So So much!! It's not fair we have to be so far away! :(
Love you Aunt Jenn! Good memories of last March flood my mind and I cry, those were a good 5 weeks I must say.