Sunday, January 18, 2009

Rebecca and Emily - part 1

Only a few more days until the big 6. Presents have been bought, cupcake plans have been made and sugar intake has been ramped up.

Hard to believe there was a time when they were not.

Could that really be my belly? Could it get any bigger?

Then the dynamic duo suited up...
4 out 5 births need an Aunt Amy, with her mad nursing skillz.
You will notice the bible in her hand...
During contractions there will be no laughing and cutting up - only the reading of the Word
(whichever one I choose or however many time I want you to read it over and over and over.)

Once this contraction passes, I don't care what you two do until the next one.

And soon there were 2 babies - 7 minutes apart.

Rebecca Dawn (5lbs 9oz) and Emily Delight (6 lbs 2 oz)
Don't know which one is which in this photo :)

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